Meet the IP

The Incorrigible Party started as a way to introduce people to RPGs – D&D 5e specifically. When we started two members of the party had never played before, and somehow, we not only convinced them it would be fun to play, but we should also record it and make a podcast!

Since then we have moved to a finely edited actual play with emphasis on role play. We are creating an epic story together with Leland leading the way. We also have branched out and dipped our toes into other RPG games and one shots. Join us on our journey as we incourage the incorrigibleness.



Alana is a proud American-Canadian, devoted dog mom to Frankie, Fitz, and Millie. If you think Alana is funny you’ll get along just fine!

-Mia Brightwood
-Opal Togglesprocket


Bill loves fantasy, and has read many fantasy novels growing up. Wizards, magic , and dragons have always fascinated him, so he couldn’t resist the urge to play a wizard for his first ever D&D character.

-Helkruk Tred


Leland has been playing D&D since 4th edition and has always much preferred running the campaign as opposed to being a player in one. This allows him to flex a few more of his bulging creative muscles than what comes with character creation.

He is also a host on the T-Hud Popcast which can be found at

–DM and Editor



Emily started playing D&D in 2014 with 5e. She has played many different characters and even had her solo DMing debut ON the podcast!

Emily loves board games and crafting. You can see how she has combined those two passions either on her Redbubble store or etsy store.

-Kylia Seshodal


Jon played AD&D from 1982 through ‘88, then took a hiatus from Role Playing Games until D&D 5e was released in 2014. He is an avid board gamer, a DM and player, and a self-proclaimed professional tabletop content consumer.

-Rumpke Dumpster

The Incorrigible Party

It all began on twitter, of all places. The Incorrigible Club was formed around a programmed tweet about working out. Bill, Leland, and Jon became friends through that, and then drug Alana and Emily into the mix.

One day we decided to make a podcast. After trying some other things, we landed on the idea of teaching D&D, to hopefully help bridge the gap between the board game world and the RPG world.

We have come a long way since then, and hopefully will be around for many years to come!